I'm trying to capture birds on the wing rather than birds on a stick... however these are mainly on a "stick" but nonetheless I still enjoy their company. #birds
Tuesday 13th August
A quick snapshot of some the birds in the backyard this morning and whilst the White Bellied Sea Eagle was not actually in the backyard the photo was taken from the backyard.

Thursday 24th July
Water was the theme of the day
First photo is a grey Fantail which completely submerges itself in the birdbath #greyfantail
Second photo is a White Headed Pigeon who hasn't mastered the art of drinking #whiteheadedpigeon
Third photo is my favourite a silver eye standing on a rock in the middle of the birdbath #silvereye
Wednesday 24th July
Eastern Spinebill taken in the backyard.
Red Browed Finches in and around the Bird Feeder
Fairy Wren

Monday 22nd July
Eastern Osprey, not your everyday garden variety visitor.
photo taken in the "extended" backyard.
A Silvereye at the birdbath
Friday 19th July
Crested Pidgeon in the backyard, this pidgeons are obviously related to the Bronze wings judging by their colourful wings.
Thursday 18th July
White Browed Scrubwren

Rainbow Lorrikeets

Spotted Dove
Always visits with its partner, a daily visitor, usually in the afternoon.

Lewin's Honeyeater
18/07/2019 : Not previously been photographed in the backyard
I will have to replace the water more often if he keeps coming back
Fairy Wren
I'll just have one more

Red Browed Finch
These tiny birds zip around inside the bird feeder cage

Great Egret
Commonly found along the shores of St Georges basin, fun to watch as they stalk out the fish then strike.
Tonight it was getting towards dark and hoping for just one more snack, taken at the western end of Greville Ave 18/07/2019
Wednesday 17th July
Fairy Wren
Singing out for the rest of the entourage

A constant visitor that always delights, singing out for the rest of the entourage.
Tuesday 16th July
Female Bower Bird

For several weeks there was an usual birdcall coming from the reserve in front of us, and I was never able to site the bird making the call, finally spotted the culprit but then required the local photographers brains trust to identify it as a female Bowerbird. I have not previously managed to photograph one in the backyard before
Golden Whistler

My guests had to briefly entertain themselves ( or by my excitement ) when this bird appeared on the bird feeder, luckily the camera was close and ready as they are not seed feeders so he didn't stay long. Apparently a rarely photographer bird in this area.
Monday 15th July
Yellow Robin
The gardeners companion miraculously appear when the shovel comes out, another constant friend in the garden

King Parrot

We hadn't seen the King Parrots for a while but they arrived with the latest generation in tow.

The bird feeder is located so we can look out of our living room and see the birds come and go unfortunately the spot is shaded for most of the time so taking photos of birds in flight is technically far more difficult to achieve a shot that doesn't have motion blur (that's my excuse ) This one had a far amount of post processing botox to remove the grain and noise of a photo taken in low light.

When the music stops ...

Grey Fantail
One of my favourite activities is to sit and watch the aerobatics, as these birds feed on the wing chasing flying insects. I find then a difficult bird to photograph as they have a fast unpredictable flight. A cousin of the Willy Wagtail

Birds on the Wing
Yes I do have a couple
